Terry Naturally – Thyroid Care Plus


60 Capsules

Iodine and L-tyrosine
Supports Thyroid and Complete Metabolic Function*


With Selenium

When your thyroid needs rejuvenation, Thyroid Care Plus delivers.*

How well your thyroid functions depends on many factors: age, the environment, and your family history, just to name a few.

If you’re looking for the ultimate in thyroid support, Thyroid Care Plus can make a dramatic difference. It provides rejuvenating ingredients that help the thyroid create hormones for optimal health.*

Thyroid Care Plus features the nutrients the thyroid needs for:

  • Daily Energy
  • Healthy Metabolism
  • Lustrous Hair
  • Hormone Balance
  • Healthy Weight Management†
  • Immune Health*

Premium fuel for the thyroid

Thyroid Care Plus is a single supplement that supplies the fuel for your body’s metabolic and energy system.*

  • Iodine in three forms, including potassium iodide, sodium iodide, and molecular iodine for thyroid hormone synthesis, which in turn supports a healthy metabolism, lustrous hair, and hormone balance.*
  • L-tyrosine, an amino acid required to create the thyroid hormone thyroxine, supports mental well-being and daily energy.*
  • Selenium is a key mineral that supports the conversion of T4 into the active thyroid hormone, T3. It works with iodine and L-tyrosine to protect the thyroid from the risk of oxidative stress and damage. Selenium is what makes Thyroid Care Plus different – it is a mineral most abundantly found in the thyroid, and a critical ingredient for proper thyroid function.*


† In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen

Additional information

Weight 3 oz


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