Daily Manufacturing – AlkaMin (pH-up)


180 Capsules


SKU: D-AKM-1 Category: Tags: , ,


AlkaMin (Reams Inspired) combines the major nutrients recommended by Dr. Carey Reams for people with a low acid pH into one convenient supplement. It is not intended to replace the customized diet and supplement program provided by qualified “Reams testers”. Rather it simplifies the customization for those who can use this product. Six capsules provide: Calcium 1200 mg (from calcium carbonate, soft rock phosphate, calcium hydroxide & calcium gluconate), Vitamin D3 50 mcg (2000 IU) & Iodine 225 mcg (from kelp). Six capsules of AlkaMin is equivalent to the following doses of classic “Reams” supplements: 6 Cal II™, 1 Min-Col™ Forté, 1 Algazim™ , 1 Calcium Gluconate™  & 2000 IU of Vitamin D3.


Additional information

Weight 7 oz


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