Wayne Miller is the founder of an up-and-coming ministry based in Sturgis, Michigan. His anointing as a teacher of the Word has touched many, both through his regular speaking engagements and during his ongoing prison ministry.
Miller was raised in the Amish tradition in Hicksville, OH., and as a young man became an ordained minister in the church, in northern Indiana. In his desperation to bring the Word to his people, he came to understand the true meaning of salvation and was radically saved after studying the book of Romans. Following this, the Lord prompted him to leave his Amish doctrines in pursuit of a new direction. It was at this time, he became involved with a prison ministry, which continues to be a part of his work to this day.
Miller said the Lord placed a desire in his heart to begin studies of end-time prophecies during his early adult years. During the past six years, eschatology has become the focus of his ministry. Many have commented on his God-gifted ability to tie current events to the prophetic teachings of the Bible.
Miller’s heart for believers today is that they are “on fire” with “oil in reserve” for the days ahead. He challenges many widely accepted teachings of end-times events; and works to counter many misconceptions which have arisen within the church. He often uses his knowledge of prophecy as a tool for evangelism in the prisons.
In addition to his ministerial calling, Miller works for a local door manufacturer and is the proud father of five children.